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Brazilian butt lift (BBL) in Turkey

Brazilian butt lift, which is commonly known as BBL operation, is a lipofilling or fat transfer procedure. This operation aims to create a more desired butt shape. This technique uses the patient’s own fat tissue to create volume at the buttocks. This is why BBL operation is much safer and leads to the most natural-looking results. We provide a world-class BBL surgery in Istanbul, Turkey.

bum implants woman model

Brazilian butt lift (BBL)

The natural structure of your buttocks is determined by your anatomy, genetics, and how your body deposits fat. This combination can result in a flat butt shape or less pronounced curves. Also, the shape of your buttocks might change over the years and lose its toned appearance. 

Whatever the reason, if you want to have a fuller and perkier butt, a Brazilian butt lift operation is the way to go. You can achieve a balanced figure and improve your proportions naturally and seamlessly.

curved butt green icon


For someone who likes to have a curvaceous body shape, a flat look from the sides and behind might be annoying. BBL operation can make sure that your buttocks have a round look and create the curves you want.


In addition to roundness, volume is essential for a perfect butt. You can adjust the volume of your buttocks by controlling the amount of fat transferred to the area. This way BBL can give you the most natural full and round look you have been dreaming about.


You’ll want your full and round buttocks to have a toned appearance as well. As leanness is considered a sign of youth and health, your buttocks must look perky and toned. Brazilian butt lift makes sure that the fat tissue is placed to create a toned look.



How does BBL work?

Brazilian butt lift is done in three stages; liposuction, fat preparation, and fat injection. The operation is done under general anaesthesia. The excess fat from your abdomen or thighs is removed by liposuction, harvested fat is purified and then injected into your buttocks.

Your surgeon will start by determining and marking the harvest and target areas of your body. Once you are under the influence of anaesthesia, necessary incisions are created at the harvest area for liposuction.

Fat tissue is broken down with the help of tumescent fluid, high pressure water jet or vibration and drained from the body through a cannula. The liposuction process not only harvests the necessary fat tissue for BBL but also gives the donor area a toned look. 

The harvested fat cells are then treated to get rid of any impurities such as blood and excess fluid. This way only the healthiest fat cells are left for the injection step. 

Your surgeon will inject the harvested healthy fat cells into your buttocks. To create the desired shape and form, the fat tissue will be injected into the pre-determined areas of the buttocks. Your surgeon will make sure to give a rounded and toned appearance to your buttocks. Once the desired shape is achieved, your surgeon will close the incisions.

Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) has become an increasingly popular cosmetic procedure. For BBL Turkey stands out as a preferred destination for those seeking this enhancement. Buttock augmentation involves reshaping and enhancing the buttocks for a fuller and more sculpted appearance.


A safe BBL surgery is performed using advanced techniques to ensure optimal results. One notable technique involves the use of tumescent liposuction. In this method, a solution is injected into the targeted areas to make the fat cells swell and easier to remove. This natural-looking BBL technique allows for precise sculpting of the donor areas, typically the abdomen, flanks, and thighs, to extract excess fat for transfer to the buttocks. You can also achieve your desired curves with BBL Istanbul, benefitting from our skilled surgeons and economic offers.


The process begins with a consultation, where the patient’s goals and expectations are discussed. During the procedure, our experts on cosmetic surgery in Turkey administer local or general anesthesia, depending on the complexity of the case. After that, tumescent liposuction is employed to harvest fat from donor sites, and the extracted fat is processed and purified. The purified fat is strategically injected into the gluteal region to achieve the desired volume and shape.


Cosmetic Surgery Clinic Turkey offers a range of healthcare professionals specializing in butt augmentation techniques. Our surgeons employ the best liposuction techniques, emphasizing precision and minimizing bruising and swelling. Moreover, we provide affordable brazilian butt lift, ensuring safety, efficiency, and natural-looking results.

The primary benefits of the Brazilian butt lift in Turkey procedure include the expertise of highly qualified surgeons and the use of cutting-edge technologies. Additionally, the cost of butt enhancement in Turkey is often more budget-friendly than in many other countries, attracting people seeking top-qualified Turkish Butt Lift Clinics without compromising on well-being.

Essential information for BBL surgery

Duration:3 – 4 hoursDaily life:1 – 2 weeks
Hospital Stay:1 nightExercise:4 – 6 weeks
Anaesthesia:GeneralFull recovery:3 – 6 months


How much is a BBL operation in Turkey?

You’ll be glad to find that Turkey is a great place to get a Brazilian buttock lift for much lower prices. Top-quality clinics and world-renowned surgeons offer high quality bum lift operations in Turkey for affordable prices. The average price of a Brazilian bum lift in Turkey is around $3,000 and $4,500.

Consult our surgeon

BBL cost at Vantage Clinic in Istanbul, Turkey

Starting From $3000


Am I suitable for a BBL?

A good candidate for BBL must generally be in good health and have no other important health complications. If you are a smoker, you should be willing to quit smoking for a few months before and after the surgery. Similarly, you should also be willing to stop drinking for a while before and after your surgery.

Additionally, having sufficient fat deposits at a suitable donor area such as your thighs or abdomen is important for a successful BBL operation.

As the recovery period involves wearing a compression garment and paying frequent visits to the clinic, being willing to follow up on the instructions and to set aside the necessary time is necessary to be a suitable BBL candidate.

A suitable candidate for BBL operation should also have tried and failed to achieve a full and round butt look via diet and exercise.

If you think that you conform to these requirements, go ahead and book a consultation!

brunette brazilian butt bikini at the pool

BBL before and after photos

Advantages of BBL in Turkey

The Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) Turkey procedure has become widely popular due to its remarkable transformative effects. This aesthetic method offers numerous benefits, enhancing not only your appearance but also contributing to improved body proportions and positively impacting your psychological well-being. Let’s now examine the advantages of the entire BBL process from start to finish.


  • Turkey, especially Istanbul, is extremely developed when it comes to aesthetic operations such as BBL. Cosmetic Surgery Clinic in Istanbul, where non-surgical butt lift options are also available, you can easily perform tumescent liposuction, advanced 3D imaging, fat harvesting and processing.


  • Our clinic on Brazilian butt lift Istanbul boasts an experienced team who specialize in liposuction and butt lift.The expertise of these surgeons ensures a high level of precision and artistry, vital for achieving natural-looking results. At the same time, our entire team prioritises prioritizes patient safety and satisfaction by adhering to international standards in plastic surgery.


  • While a Brazilian Butt Lift is an investment in yourself, it is also a serious financial investment. BBL in Istanbul offers appealing prices covering many paid processes such as surgeon’s fees, anaesthesiaanesthesia, operating room, surgical supplies and follow-up visits. You can also fully trust our surgeons and clinic with your health and safety. 


  • Because a BBL requires taking fat from somewhere on your body, you can achieve slimmer, smoother contouring in that area at the same time as you augment your backside. Many of our patients see this 2-in1 opportunity as a big plus.


  • There is only one valid reason to undergo any cosmetic enhancement procedure: to please yourself. Whether you want a new look “back there” or you simply want to look better in front of the mirror, the decision should be all about you. Making your own decisions about your body is a significant self-confidence booster.

At the end of the day, if BBL is the surgery you need and want, we are at your service with our professional team. With state-of-the-art techniques, experienced surgeons, comprehensive solutions, minimisedminimized recovery time and patient-oriented care, this clinic is for you in Istanbul.

Advantages of BBL in Turkey

Frequently asked questions

Because Brazilian butt lift is a complex and invasive surgery, it takes some patience to see the full results after your operation. Even though you’ll be able to notice the increased volume and round shape, you’ll have to wait for bruising and swelling to go down before you can see the final results. This process can take up to 3-6 months. 

It is extremely important to know that paying the necessary visits to your surgeon’s office for post-operative check-ups is crucial for achieving a faster and safer recovery. You can see the full results of your BBL operation much sooner if you keep up with your appointments.

There is a lot of talk about the safety of the Brazilian butt lift operation. While some of the horror stories stem from real events, it is important to understand that the safety of a BBL surgery depends on the surgeon’s experience. This is actually valid for any surgical operation. 

For a safe BBL operation, where your doctor injects the harvested fat cells is crucial. Your surgeon should be injecting the purified fat cells above the muscle tissue underneath your skin. Following this rule of thumb, ensures that fat cells stay put where they are injected and does not move into the gluteal vessels and cause fat embolisms. 

Provided that you make your research and ensure to go to a qualified clinic, the BBL operation is considered safe and effective.

Choosing Istanbul for The Brazilian Butt Lift is quite common around the world because the BBL procedure is safe in Turkey. Istanbul has talented and experienced surgeons, but also offers safe and budget-friendly operations.

An average stay in Turkey after BBL, 1 week is an ideal period. However, it should be known that the process depends on the person’s body structure.

In general, patients can travel 6-8 weeks after surgery. It is recommended to wait a minimum of 4 weeks before travelling.

For optimal outcomes, try to avoid sitting for about 2-3 weeks after the procedure. After about 8 weeks you can go back to normal sitting confidently.

It’s crucial to wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothing like sweatpants or maxi dresses to avoid putting pressure on the gluteus. You should avoid wearing tight clothing.

Patient’s body needs time to heal and adjust to the changes. But if they want, patients can fly within one to two weeks after their operation.

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