Weight loss surgery in Turkey

In this article, we are aiming to provide you information about weight loss surgery in Turkey. By the end of it, you will find answers about weight loss procedures and steps for the questions below:

  • What is weight loss surgery and how to perform?
  • What are the pros and cons, which type to choose? 
  • How much weight should you lose before the operation?
  • What is the difference of Turkey for plastic surgery? 
  • What are the steps of weight loss surgery in Turkey?
  • What are the pre and postoperative care instructions, and the risks?
Weight loss surgery in Turkey

What is Weight Loss Surgery?

This is only for patients who are suffering from excessive weight. Typically, they have health problems and have tried many times to lose weight with diet and exercise. If you also have failed to reduce your weight with these methods, a bariatric operation may be useful to reach an ideal weight in accordance with your BMI (body mass index).


Many different types of weight reduction surgeries today. Patients cannot decide on their surgery type without consulting a professional. Based on their health condition, the extent of excess weight, budget, and whether they accept the degree of difficulty of the surgery, the medical team decides on the best bariatric procedure that suits the condition and expectations of the patients. The most common ones:


  • gastric bypass,
  • sleeve gastrectomy,
  • gastric band.

Process of Weight Loss Surgery

The process of weight loss surgery has several stages. That’s them:

  1. At the outset, the surgeon will want to see many medical test results of you like your medical record and existing state.
  2. When the surgeon decides on the most effective procedure, the patient undergoes a preoperative preparation phase. Counseling, lifestyle adjustments, and education about the surgery…
  3. During the operation, the surgeon makes modifications to the digestive system of patients struggling with morbid obesity to effectively promote weight loss.
  4. The surgeon can:
  • reduce the size of the stomach, 
  • make alterations to the digestive tract,
  • assist in reducing calorie absorption.
  1. After a successful weight loss surgery, the healing process begins. Here, they need to be careful about those:
  • incorporating dietary guidelines,
  • exercise routines,
  • ongoing medical supervision. 

Your surgeon will give suggestions regarding  lifestyle changes, a balanced diet, reducing body mass index, and pain medications at the end of your progress.

Reach us to know your eligibility

Who can prefer Weight Loss Surgery?

You may be eligible for weight loss surgery if you meet the following criteria:

  • BMI falls between 35 – 40 and has comorbidity like high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea, etc.
  • BMI is over 40 without any obesity-related disorder like we listed above.
  • has any issues with substance abuse, eating disorders, or anxiety-related disorders.
  • Not having pulmonary or cardiovascular issues.
  • Not pregnant or planning it in a year.

Types of weight loss surgeries

Depending on personal parameters and desires, your surgeon will create a personalized weight-loss procedure plan. In general, there are a few types of weight-loss surgery.

Gastric sleeve

Gastric sleeve (sleeve gastrectomy) aims to reduce the amount you eat by reducing the size of your stomach. Through it, part of your stomach can be removed. It is the most common surgery for morbidly obese people, specifically in the USA because half of the population struggles with obesity. More than 150,000 USA citizens have undergone this stomach surgery so far.

Essential information for gastric sleeve surgery

Duration:1 – 2 hoursDaily life:2 – 4 weeks
Hospital Stay:1 – 2 daysExercise:4 – 6 weeks
Anaesthesia:GeneralFull recovery:6 – 8 weeks

Gastric band

It is the implantation of an adjustable silicone band across the top of the stomach for those aims: to create a smaller pouch, to restrict food intake, promote weight loss. While this is only a restrictive procedure, sleeve gastrectomy is restrictive as well as metabolic. It consists of placing a band around the stomach, while sleeve gastrectomy is about removing part of the stomach to create a smaller sleeve-shaped stomach. The band is reversible as it can be adjusted or removed; so it typically results in slower weight loss compared to alternatives.

Essential information for gastric band surgery

Duration:30 – 60 minutesDaily life:1 – 2 weeks
Hospital Stay:1 nightExercise:3 – 4 weeks
Anaesthesia:GeneralFull recovery:4 – 6 weeks

Gastric balloon

A gastric balloon is a small expandable ball placed inside the stomach to occupy a part of its volume. It is introduced to the stomach through endoscopy in a collapsed structure. An expanded gastric balloon occupies a significant volume of the stomach that diminishes the appetite. Because the gastric balloon is a non-surgical operation it is commonly preferred by people who are looking for the least invasive solution or are not good candidates for a surgical weight loss operation. Surgeons place a medical balloon in the patient's stomach with an endoscopy. It enables patients to get full early. It is suitable for those aged 18–55 whose BMI is above 27 without a severe stomach ulcer or gastric hernia.

Essential information for gastric baloon surgery

Duration:15 – 20 minutesDaily life:1 – 2 days
Hospital Stay:Exercise:1 week
Anaesthesia:Full recovery:2 weeks

Gastric bypass

In gastric bypass operation, a small part of the stomach is separated and connected to the small intestine, thanks to that the amount of food you can eat and calories intake is restricted. Gastric bypass operation is suitable for people who are looking for a long-term solution and find it hard to stick to a diet and exercise regime. However, it is important to note that gastric bypass is not suitable for people with a BMI over 50. It reduces the size of the stomach and changes the way the stomach and small intestine absorb food. It is also called Roux-en-Y gastric bypass and makes weight loss much easier.

Essential information for gastric bypass surgery

Duration:2 – 3 hoursDaily life:2 – 4 weeks
Hospital Stay:2 – 3 daysExercise:4 – 6 weeks
Anaesthesia:GeneralFull recovery:6 – 8 weeks

Gastric Botox

It's a non-surgical operation in which the doctor injects gastric botox without making any surgical incisions. The operation is performed through a laparoscope. It is an easier and faster non-surgical procedure than other weight loss or obesity surgeries.

Choosing the Right Surgery

You can decide which weight loss method to choose, whether to apply a surgical or non-surgical procedure, and the type of operation that best suits your expectations and demands by discussing with your bariatric surgeon. 



Are you eligible to get a weight loss surgery?

To be eligible for weight loss surgery, you need to meet certain conditions. A suitable candidate for weight loss surgery options should be between the ages of 16-70, have a BMI of 40 or more, have an obesity-related condition such as type 2 diabetes or high blood pressure, and should have tried and failed to lose weight through diet and exercise.

Consult our surgeon

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Cost of Weight Loss Surgeries in Turkey

Bariatric surgery in Turkey is not only safe and high-quality but also affordable. Thanks to the high number of qualified surgeons and high exchange rates, bariatric surgery in Turkey is much cheaper than in many other countries.




  • Gastric bypass in Turkey costs between $5,000-$6,000

Gastric surgery cost at Vantage Clinic in Istanbul, Turkey

Starting From $2400

Things to Know before Weight Loss Surgery

Before weight loss surgery, it’s vital to assess your Body Mass Index (BMI) and understand the fundamentals of nutrition. Be aware of many factors such as the type of surgery, duration, pre and post care, your BMI and your eating habits. Think twice if you will have stress during the postoperative care process, and have realistic expectations.

Body Mass Index is a calculation based on a person’s weight and height. 


The formula is BMI = kg/m2

Kg is a person’s weight in kilograms and m2 is their height in meters squared. A BMI of 25.0 or more means overweight. A healthy range is 18.5 – 24.9. If you contact us, we can give you detailed information about your BMI and tell you the best operation choices. Please remember that 1 kilogram is approximately equal to 2.20462 pounds.

Although there is no specific percentage of weight you need to lose before surgery, losing a few pounds can increase the success of surgery. You can follow these steps to lose weight:

  • ask a specialist
  • positive thinking
  • adopt an active lifestyle

engage in enjoyable activities; you can learn the positive effects of dancing for weight loss

Preoperative diet recommendations differ based on the type of surgery and your unique journey of weight loss surgery. Nevertheless, a high-protein diet with low-sugar, full-liquid and low-fat should be started about 2 weeks before surgery. Your surgeon can share an appropriate diet list with you when you make a consultation for surgery.

Things to Know After Weight Loss Surgery

After weight loss surgery, it is very important to:

  • After you are discharged from the hospital, slowly return to normal activities within 4 to 6 weeks.
  • Follow a diet plan that starts with liquids and progresses to soft foods over a few weeks.
  • Take vitamin and mineral supplements as prescribed.
  • Exercise regularly (not heavy exercise for the first months) to prevent muscle loss and maintain weight loss.
  • Attend regular follow-up appointments.

Yes, skin can sag, especially in people who have experienced significant weight loss through weight loss surgery. The degree of this varies due to age, genetics and the amount of weight lost. If this happens to you, we can help you get rid of this problem with body contouring in Turkey.

The optimal time to return to the gym after weight loss surgery varies on individual recovery. Commonly, individuals can start light exercises like walking within the first week. However, you can start heavy exercises at least 3 months after surgery, if your surgeon approves.

Loose skin is not only difficult to deal with, but also negatively affects self-esteem and confidence. While various causes of it, mostly because of those:

  • weight loss, 
  • pregnancy
  • aging. 

It can be difficult to find effective solutions once it occurs. However, there are a range of options available; firming creams containing retinoids, hyaluronic acid, surgical / nonsurgical procedures. Also, maintaining a healthy lifestyle through exercise and proper nutrition can help to reduce it at some point, but not permanently. Consulting a healthcare professional can help determine the suitable approach to tighten sagging skin and provide a more rejuvenated as well as youthful appearance.

After weight-loss treatment, low-impact exercises like walking, swimming, and cycling are generally recommended initially. As recovery progresses, incorporating strength training exercises helps build muscle. 


However, for high-impact sports & activities that involve significant strain on the abdomen, such as heavy weightlifting or contact sports, should be wait until you heal to avoid potential complications. Please, consult with your healthcare provider if you are planning to turn heavy exercises.

Before gastric surgery, you should stop drinking alcohol for a few weeks. Alcohol can be dangerous during anesthesia because it thins the blood. You shouldn’t consume it after surgery too as it will affect your metabolism. If you are hungry, never consume the first weeks after surgery. 

The eating stages after weight loss surgery typically progress through clear liquids, full liquids, pureed foods, soft foods, and eventually regular foods. 


  • Stage 1: In the clear liquid phase, it is the consumption of easily digestible liquids such as broth, water and sugar-free gelatin. It prevents dehydration and initiates healing.
  • Stage 2: The phase in which denser liquids such as milk, yoghurt and protein shakes are consumed is the full liquids phase.
  • Stage 3: It is the first transition phase to solid food, where vegetable purees such as potatoes and carrots are consumed. The aim of the Pureed foods phase is to provide healthy nutrition without harming the digestive system while protecting newly healing tissues.
  • Stage 4: When your progress goes well, you can switch to soft foods. Scrambled eggs, strained cheese, soft and boneless fish…

Stage 5: In the regular foods phase, consume lean proteins, fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Continue not to consume packaged foods and avoid junk food.

How Will Weight Loss Surgery Change Your Life?

Bariatric surgery offers very transformative benefits such as:

  • Significant Weight Loss (lose 50-80% of excess weight within two years)
  • Improved Health ( like diabetes and high blood pressure)
  • Enhanced mobility
  • Improved self-esteem and reduced anxiety
  • Better sleep and increased energy
  • Lasting weight loss with lifestyle changes.
Life after weight loss surgery

FAQs About Weight Loss Surgery in Turkey

You need to contact your insurance provider. It may be covered if it is considered a health problem, but it may not be if it is considered to be for an aesthetic purpose.

Yes, you can. Medical records are maintained by the clinic or hospital where the surgery was performed. You can request your medical records from the healthcare facility where you underwent the surgery. 

Surely. You can combine two or three procedures one-and-done. They can be dental treatments like implants or bonding, facial procedures, etc. 

Yes, Turkey is a safe country for weight loss surgery if you are sure some precautions are taken. Choose a clinic with international accreditation, qualified medical professionals, and positive patient reviews. 

Istanbul for weight loss surgery is often more affordable compared to many Western countries due to some factors like:

  1. Lower operating costs
  2. Favorable exchange rates
  3. Government support
  4. Lower living costs
  5. Increased competition 
  6. Experienced medical professionals 
  7. Advanced medical facilities
  8. Government investments in healthcare

Yes, individuals undergoing weight loss surgery in Turkey are typically between 18 to 65 years old. For more information, you can easily contact our experts for a consultation and further evaluation. 


  1. 1.John H. British Science Festival: 7 ways dancing can improve your life. British Science Association. Published September 25, 2019. https://www.britishscienceassociation.org/blogs/bsa-blog/7-ways-dancing-can-improve-your-life#:~:text=Dance%20has%20been%20scientifically%20proven 
  2. ‌1.Body Contouring in Turkey – Procedures and Cost 2024. Vantage Clinic – Cosmetic Surgery Istanbul. Accessed March 29, 2024. https://cosmeticsurgeryclinicturkey.com/body-surgeries/body-contouring-in-turkey/ 
  3. Nickel F, Schmidt L, Bruckner T, Büchler MW, Müller-Stich BP, Fischer L. Influence of bariatric surgery on quality of life, body image, and general self-efficacy within 6 and 24 months-a prospective cohort study. Surg Obes Relat Dis. 2017 Feb;13(2):313-319. doi: 10.1016/j.soard.2016.08.017. Epub 2016 Aug 18. PMID: 28029597.

Article Reviewed By: Dr. Jyothi Shenoy V
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MBBS, MD – Obstetrics & Gynaecology, MRCOG(UK)
23 Years Experience Overall

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